Maximize Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance

When I was in my early 20’s, my aunt told me about a good friend of hers whose husbands children all went to college for free because he was receiving social security disability benefits connected to his military career. My son was young at the time so I did some research and was never able to find the connection with social security and a free education.

When my son was ready to start college, I did a lot more research and found out about Chapter 35 Survivors’ and Dependents’ Education Assistance (DEA). My sons father was in a terrible accident while on active duty in the Navy and retired early because of his disability.

If eligible, a recipient will be paid monthly based on their enrollment status at a an approved education facility. The 2023 to 2024 payment for full-time enrollment is $1,488. At 3/4 time enrollment, $1,176 and 1/2 time enrollment is $862 each month. The payment is prorated based on the number of days enrolled each month.

The payment is sent directly to the recipient and the recipient will need to pay for tuition and books directly. The payment varies for on the job training, apprenticeships, correspondence training and special restorative training. More information can be found here.

Benefits are only payable until age 26 for children of veterans so act fast and take advantage of this free education benefit as soon as possible.

If you need assistance requesting a copy of a DD 214/Separation Documents, you can find more information here and start an online request.