Earn Hundreds of Dollars by Adding Authorized Users to Your Credit Card
Did you know there are companies that will pay you to as authorized users to your credit cards when you have good credit! Let’s venture on how to make hundreds of dollars with very little work.
Tradeline supply is one company I’ve used to make extra income. The process is fairly simple. Create an account through credit karma with a password that you won’t mind sharing with Tradeline Supply.
Create an account through Tradeline supply. You will provide your user name and password and after your credit card is reviewed you will receive an email with the eligible account you are able to list. Pay varies on credit limit, age of the account and the type of card. Below is an example of the rates I’m currently receiving.
Before you decide which cards to list, you’ll need to confirm you will keep the utilization below 15% and will make at least one purchase a month.
Once listed, you’ll receive an email or an email and text alerting you that a Tradeline has been sold. Try to add the user asap. They do ask that authorized users are added within 24 hours. If you travel often, I recommend traveling with a laptop or tablet to make it easier when adding a user. You can do it from your phone, but you’ll have to switch back and forth from one webpage to another to view and add the user. User information provided to you is name, DOB, address, phone and social security number.
It literally takes 5 mins to add a user. Users can typically be added through your credit card account online by selecting “I want to add an authorized user”. Some credit cards may require you to call in to add or remove users.
Users are added to an account for a two month period. Once the 2 months is up, you receive an email that the user can be removed. Some credit card companies have limited to the number of users you can add. I came across this issue with my discover card and had to call in each time to add the user. I was however still able to remove the user myself online.
I’ve made about $3,300 a year just by adding authorized users. I will say there are cons to selling your tradelines. I recently had one of my credit cards closed for “Fraudulent Activity”. I had this credit card for over 17 years so I was pretty disappointed about this since the age of credit cards play a role in your credit score. It doesn’t seem to have impacted it yet but I will be more cautious as to which cards I list.